Astronaut in the air

Hello, I am Navinder Singh

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Hey there! I'm Navinder Singh, a high schooler with big dreams from India destined to be a doctor! When I'm not hitting the books, you'll find me lost in the world of coding.

01. About

Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Navinder Singh, a high school student from India with big dreams and a passion for both medicine and coding. My goal is to become a doctor, but beyond my academic pursuits, I find joy and fulfillment in exploring the intricacies of programming. From HTML and CSS to JavaScript, Svelte, React, and Python, I've immersed myself in various languages, each offering its own unique challenges and rewards.

Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently :

  • Javascript
  • Sveltekit
  • Astro.js
  • TailwindCSS
  • Framer motion
  • Typescript
  • Bun
  • Python
  • Fastapi
  • Vite

02. Projects

Here are some of the projects I've worked on. Don't forget to star your favorite ones on GitHub!